14 October 2009

The Devil's Advocate

Bigot. Racist. Divisive. Polarizing. Shocking.
All of these have been used over the last few weeks in describing conservative radio giant Rush Limbaugh. Columnists like Jason Whitlock wrote that Rush is a "opportunistic, race-baiting, anti-black entertainer."
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban wrote in his blog that the NFL would be "crazy" to allow Rush in as an owner. Even NFL players and owners came out publicly against the possible acquisition.
Then, on cue, the head of the NFL Players Association DeMaurice Smith followed the lead from the General's of the Race Army, Reverand's Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and condemned the bid. The Rev's claim that Maha Rushie blatant racism over the years has caused diviseness throughout the country.
Pot, meet kettle.
These analysts and opinion makers stand at the forefront of an hypocrisy that has spread throughout the country via a media that continues to attack conservatism with guns blazing. The anger that burns inside these "objective" journalists towards Limbaugh is so hot they stoop so low with an incredible disregard for professionalism. There is no question that Rush is the most polarizing figure in this country, so I'll play devil's advocate and serve up these assholes.
Jason Whitlock
Put in his column on October 12th quotes from a Jack Huberman book that claim Limbaugh said "You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray (Dr. King's assassin). We miss you, James. Godspeed." and "Let's face it, we didn't have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: Slavery built the South. I'm not saying we should bring it back. I'm just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark."
After Limbaugh denied the comments and confronted Whitlock, the columnist refused to retract the quotes saying the quotes added to the controversy that was "helping" the talk show host.
Since then, evidence has shown el Rushbo never uttered the comments.
Whitlock claimed he just took the quotes from the Huberman book "101 People Who Are Really Screwing America." I emailed Whitlock and asked why he did not check the source himself but have not of yet received a reply.
Didn't Tom Brokaw tell us the internet would destroy journalism because of the integrity of checking sources? Apparently Jason Whitlock is no better than the blogger who "Wiki'd" the comments.
Sharpton and Jackson
It's funny, I remember both of these ambulance chasers flying to North Carolina to publicly persecute the Duke lacrosse team after they were accused of raping a black stripper. What I don't remember is a retraction or apology to those young men, who will have the accusation hanging over their heads forever, after the stripper admitted to lying to authorities about the alleged sexual abuse. Maybe I missed it...or it just wasn't covered as much as the public conviction.
Jackson himself referred to Jews as "hymies" and called New York City "Hymietown" to a Washington Post reporter. Not at all racist. Yet these two are always quick to condemn others who disagree with them politically, and do it for political gain.
It looks as if Dave Cheketts will drop Rush from his ownership bid group. The reason is simple: The NFL is a players league.
Owners are scared of what Rush may say as an owner of a franchise and Cheketts more than likely realizes he will not get voted in with Rush riding shotgun. Rush has unceremoniously fired from ESPN in 2003 for, well, being Rush. He claimed the media desired a successful black quarterback in the NFL and anointed him as better than he really was. Rush also claimed that "the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it."
Agree or disagree with the quotes, but there are arguments that support both. McNabb was before his prime when the quotes were made and was fairly inconsistent in a time where there were starting QB's in the league like Daunte Culpepper and Steve McNair. There was a definite media blitz surrounding all three, the argument is that would there be that much attention if they were white?
In 2006, 41 arrests were made involving NFL players. Over the last 5 years there have been players who have opened fire (purposely or accidentally) in night clubs or just outside, fought and slaughtered dogs, struck and killed a pedestrian while driving intoxicated, beat a wife or girlfriend, moved controlled substances, etc.
Before the NFLPA takes exception to talk-show hosts calling their players thugs, maybe they should check the arrest sheets.
Pot, you know kettle right?
The NFL owners have no problem giving second chances to their players because they are what makes the league what it is, immensely popular. The league doesn't need Rush, but let's be clear here: Rush uses words, not guns. He talks everyday about capitalism and liberal agenda's ruining the country. He does not drown pitbulls. Players who claim they wouldn't play for him because of what he stands for have no problem blocking for teammates involved in death's of innocent people.
These are actions that defiantly go against what we stand for as a country, no matter what ideologue you subscribe to. Rush is an entertainer, like Keith Olbermann who the NFL has on their highly rated NBC studio show Sunday night's. The NFL should stand up to what is right and not condemn successful individuals who want to take part in a sport they love because they speak their mind.
Rush is an entertainer. The same people that claim Rush is a racist pay money to HBO so they can watch Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle. They are cultural observers but are treated and viewed as opposites because of one or the others ideologue. It's time for everyone to take a hard look at context. It seems that is what is being missed and the source of the hypocrisy that is rampant in the media.

08 July 2009

This is why you read this blog

Because it's going to pertain to the Cubbies, recruiting, the King of Pop and a possible rant or two.

Every year I watch the lovable losers, game in and game out. And every year I obsess about almost every game. The details it takes to win. The reason why we as die hard baseball fans do this, is because we know what it takes to win in the playoffs, and when we don't see our team doing those things, we freak.

That being said, I learned a lot from last year. That's not to say I didn't see the Cubs demise coming, I did. I didn't expect it so quickly, but expected it nonetheless. What I learned was to look at the teams over the last several years and see how those World Series participants got there. And in almost every season I found a very simple formula.

The teams that got hot at the end of the season were the ones that were most difficult to beat.

Sounds ridiculously dumb, but people rarely talk about it. The year St. Louis beat Detroit, they almost missed the playoffs. They were swan-diving towards second in the Central and had to get hot at the very end just to make the field of 8. And speaking of St. Louis, ask them about the buzzsaw they ran into after the Red Sox came back from down 3-0 to beat the Yankees. Look at the Marlins, the Rockies, the White Sox or whoever played in the fall classic and you will see a matchable regular season record with a team that got flicked out of the playoffs early like a gnat; i.e. Cubs, Braves, Yankees, Mets (when they actually made it)

So I choose not to freak on the television like a 14 year-old with turrets. At least not until September.

The NL Central is wide open. Mostly because it's not very good, but partly because the good teams in it have battled injuries much like the northsiders have. With Aramis Ramirez coming back they will get a run producer they need in the middle of their lineup and a gold glove-caliber 3rd baseman to match up with his counter-part on the opposite side of the diamond, Derrek Lee. Speaking of the two, Ramie couldn't have come back at a better time. That's because he does not need to be "the man" every time he steps in the box right out of the gate. Derrek Lee, that man they rode every summer for 3 years, seems to be back to his old form. Along with Prince Fielder, God (Pujols) and Andre Ethier, D Lee has been among the National League's scorching hot hitters over the last month. That takes some pressure of Aramis to ease his way back, which he has so far, and keep the heat off of Soriano for the time being. They have won 5 of 7, but desperately need Fonsie to get into a groove and to get healthier. Dempster has just hit the DL and last year's ROY Geovany Soto may be next.

The point is not to obsess with right now, but to stay afloat and keep yourself within striking distance until next month when hopefully this club feels good.

I feel like I'm starting to sound to much like Lou.


One of our state's best writers, Jody Demling, has a fantastic KY recruiting blog. I'm not going to give you thoughts on the entire state because I little compared to him, I will just send you here .

However I do hold a level of expertise on a few Scott County recruits, so here ya go.
  • Ge-Lawn Guyn committed not long ago to Charlotte. It came as a surprise to me because I didn't see the reasoning in committing now. I see him as a guy who could really stand out in his senior year at Scott County. He is a ferocious competitor with great skills. He is a slasher that can play the point and shoot from the outside and a suffocating defender. Demling reported recently that Guyn's commit was a "soft" one, and I believe it is because he could have a monster SR year at SC and could go somewhere bigger. He has been killing it with his Indiana AAU team.
  • My boy Chad Jackson. Got another look from the Italian Stallion on Tuesday and is a guy I can see play for Pitino. This kid will be the best point guard in the state, if he already isn't. He possesses incredible athleticism and his outside shot is getting better and better. He's explosive off the dribble and gets to the rim with unbelievable ease. Expect both of these boys to have a tremendous impact in their senior seasons and beyond with whichever school they choose.

I was born in 1979, right when Michael Jackson started to become big-which he would eventually turn into what Queen Latifah said yesterday "the biggest star on Earth." After his death VH-1 as well as radio stations across the country became MJ tribute airways. Through I realized for the umpteenth time how amazing an artist he was. And in so many different ways. He was also a great humanitarian who gave millions upon millions upon millions of dollars to countries and people in need all over the world. A Guinness Book of World Records amount. There was another side to Michael as well that seemed strange to the rest of the world. The only thing I can take away from his "strangeness" is to say I did not know this man personally. And I have no idea if he was really strange or not. He was never convicted of child molestation (but did settle out of court once) and although his kids wore masks when they left the house, probably not one person reading this knew what his kids looked like until yesterday. Thus making them anonymous, which is something Michael sought his entire life. Rest in peace Michael, your impact on the world will be missed.

The only rant this week is to the level of hotness Megan Fox exudes. I did not like Transformers but went to see the sequel for Fox, and Fox alone. Despite it's predecessor's cheesiness, the movie I thought was actually great. Good for me! I hope she's happy with the Korean Justin Timberlake or whatever she called him. I personally would love finding a Korean Megan Fox if that makes any difference.

28 June 2009

Tigers and Cards oh my!

Gotta make this a quick one but something I need to address.

A couple of weeks ago I was honored by staatalent.com by being named as one of the country's best collegiate sportscasters, from my play-by-play work for Georgetown College. If you didn't see it in the Kentucky Enquirer, you can read it here.

I was incredibly touched to have my work recognized as it was and the article by Howard McEwen was very nice. I was in no way misquoted, however we did converse in more detail about Georgetown that was not in the article. It's not like they were going to use a whole page of my quotes, and if you know me you realize they could've.

I received a few questions from some who had read the article about my status with Georgetown because they got the impression I had moved on.

That is not the case.

I am still with Georgetown College and am thrilled about the upcoming season's with the Tigers and Scott County Cardinals. I have not pursued any opportunity outside the college, as I plan to graduate from NKU next spring. Eric Ward and Randy Phillips have been more than a boss and colleague to me, they have become great friends of mine. Anything that I pursue or plan to do beyond Georgetown will not happen for atleast a year, and if/when a decision is made to do so, they will be the first to know.

We have some exciting things coming this year on the Tiger Sports Network, I can't wait for you all to see it!

03 June 2009

NBC's Sunday Night NFL Set Fills Up...Again

Some thoughts over a couple subjects from the last few weeks:

Chad Ochocinco has not attended the Bengals OTA's (organized team activities), and for some reason this is news. What's even more surprising is that people actually care. The same people in the Ohio Valley that are disgusted with Chad's antics, do nothing but talk about Chad's antics. Not that I'm going to start trying to understand Bengal fans, because I never will. I've lived in this area all my life and I can't seem to get a grip on their rationale. There are many in the Bengal Nation that believe they should trade Carson Palmer, if you listen to local talk radio. The fact of the matter is players have chosen to skip OTA's because they are not mandatory and have their own workout regimen, and it's been going on for decades. Chad knows he did not live up to his own high expectations last year, and it's highly likely he will show up in-shape and motivated to be the same receiver he was when he was among the NFL's elite. Yeah, he tried to get out of town but come on Cincinnati, if you were in the NFL would you wanna play there?

Brett Favre is running for Senator in Mississippi. Wait no he isn't. Hold on...yeah he's in. Wait...

The most crowded set in sports is adding two more members: Tony Dungy and Rodney Harrison. Get ready for a lot of man-touching. Having a little experience in television, I can't comprehend the chaos of moving people in and out of camera view that goes on at the Rockefeller Center. It's like having ESPN airing SportsCenter, NFL Live, and Sunday NFL Countdown all at the same time. I'm also not sure if Tony Dungy is exactly television gold either, despite how revered he is throughout the league and the country. Harrison will probably be great, but his hire does pose an interesting point. I have to give credit to Colin Cowherd on this point. He mentioned on his program today on ESPN Radio that Mark McGwire, Roger Clemens and others have been publicly defamed for their use of performance-enhancing drugs. McGwire himself has been held out of the Hall Of Fame for his speculated use. Yet the talk all around the NFL today has been Harrison's new job as NBC analyst and whether or not he is a HOF'er. Outside of The Herd, Harrison's past use of a banned substance has barely been mentioned. Interesting and a bit of a double standard if you ask me. In baseball you get destroyed, in football you get hired.

  • I have no idea if John Calipari is telling the truth about Derrick Rose. I don't know the man. He comes off as a very nice, honest man who loves his kids. He also has been known to be so nice and open, that his programs have been infiltrated by some unsavory characters. There certainly are reasons to believe both sides. However, if it is brought to light that coach Cal and Memphis did not have any knowledge of tampering or illegal activity as they claim; or that Derrick Rose actually did take his own SAT test, will national and/or local columnists and commentators (like this guy here) write or go on television and vindicate the Kentucky head coach in the same way they have vilified him? I'm gonna go with no. The media has gotten awfully cynical, and maybe rightfully so. But they sure were quick to condemn this guy after little was released on the issue.

19 May 2009

Wall to Kentucky-Kentucky to #1; TV Finales

With late last night's news of the John Wall commitment to the University of Kentucky, John Calipari's assertion that the road leading the Wildcats back to prominence would be a 3-year journey, lasted 48-days. And with 15-scholarships to deal with, let the tryouts begin!

With 3 top-15 recruits (Wall, DeMarcus Cousins and Daniel Orton), the return of Patrick Patterson and likely return of Jodie Meeks with a solid supporting cast with Darius Miller and incoming frosh Jon Hood, Darnell Dodson and Eric Bledsoe, the 'Cats have been moved into the top spot according to FOXSports.com and likely in the top-3 according to everyone else.

And to the "always objective"UK fans in the Bluegrass-they have anointed the Big Blue as God's team, worthy of competing not just in the NCAA ranks, but Internationally and in the NBA All-Star Game. Talk on the message boards already has them not just running the table in the SEC, but overrall. A little presumptious considering the bulk of the group just attended prom.

Why? It's hard not to go along with their excitement, especially when you consider the element holding back the Wildcats a year ago was the point guard position and you see this.


Imagine being Leland Conway or Dick Gabriel taking calls after UK slips up to an in-state program like Morehead State or Georgetown College (one can hope). Chances are incredibly unlikely, however with the majority of role players being very young and inexperienced, growing pains will occur and the Big Blue Nation has a hard time in understanding when they do. Although the 'Cats will be among the most talented in the country, my gut tells me Coach Cal will throw a bone to small colleges within the state to play and earn big money at Rupp, and the state of Kentucky has basketball programs that compete for national championships at every level. It could be tough early. Just a bit of forsight.

Outside the Commonwealth, it may be tough from the onset. Early matchups against tough opponents with kids that aren't used to playing with each other could prove difficult, but good tests for a young group that hopes to grow together and be a team that will be a major force in March.

Make no mistake about it-anything less than a Final Four appearance this season will now be a disappointment. No matter what. The Big Blue is back and it only took 2-months. Now the pressure of producing lays solely on these kids and their coach.

You know it...I know it...the country knows it.
See you at Midnight Madness.



If I'm Seth Myers, this Saturday's Weekend Update on SNL would feature a 24: Really?

What the f was that? First a team of 12 militants overtake the White House by entering a tunnel from the Potomac. (ridiculous on so many levels, I want you to read that last sentence 5 times)

Then guns fired in the airport terminal at LAX in the finale, with the ultimate silver screen damsel in distress, mega-hottie and hockey player doorknob Kim Bauer. Again. Really.

If you're a fan of the show, you give it some artistic license to go outside the realm of possibility, but this year it was a bit much. This was worse than Tony getting shot in the neck in season/day 3, then going back to work six hours later. When the Secret Service agreed to leave the White House perimeter I almost changed the channel for good.

I still might. Really.

24 just didn't do what most shows are able to, give closure. It opened too many story lines and didn't give themselves enough time to see them through. We know that Jack won't die, but only because he signed a deal to star in next season 3-days after being exposed to the pathogin that would supposedly kill him. Apparently he's afflicted with the condition-equivalent of Magic Johnson's AIDS. Really.
Does this Alan Wilson (?), who has been apparently at the epicenter of 4-season's worth of plot's to kill main characters, talk or receive a moving water-boarding session from the sultry-yet-fiery redhead Renee Walker? What happens with Olivia Taylor and the President? What about the Line Whisperer Tony Almeida? Why in the name of all that is holy am I asking all of these damn questions?! So they can be answered next season? Awesome. Really awesome.


LOST, hands down the best this year. The most ADD show in the history of television really redeemed itself in the last month. Bringing out Jakob then killing him? Locke back from the dead? Did not see that coming. Next year is gonna kick ass. A

Celebrity Apprentice was a close second. Joan Rivers vs Annie Duke was nothing short of fantastic. Not to mention the "Welcome to me" opening with the Donald hailed as NYC's biggest attraction. God I love him. The ending was abrupt (and apparently undecided until the last commercial break) but nice one if you were like me and rooting for Joan. I still want to know what was up with the hug between the two at the very end after the back-and-forth character assassination. WTF? A-

Heroes, I have no idea what you are about. I watched the whole fucking season and have no clue what happened. You have lost pretty much everyone that loved you from the beginning, so I'm getting off the Titanic too. Peace.F

I find out tomorrow if I have to join Kenny Chesney's Fan Club after Danny Gokey got his pink slip from Idol last week. My only hope left is the underdog Kris to shock favorite Adam Lambert. I don't think I've ever heard anyone with as much vocal ability as Lambert, but that doesn't mean I like it. Sometimes it's frightening. I did like the addition of Kara this year, primarily because she is sensationally sexy, but if they do lose Simon they will also lose a major chunk of their audience. A
Kings. I have no idea why this gets bad ratings. Is it because Ian McShane is crazy intense all the time? Maybe, but it returns soon and I'm only one of the two people who I know watch it and look forward to it coming back. Check it out and tell me what you think. B

24-c+ Step it up Kiefer.

07 May 2009

Some News and Notes

It's been a while, I know. Went through some computer issues but we're back. Wanted to give a few quick bits from stuff over the last couple of weeks:

  • Millions die of the flu every year, someone needs to explain to me why Swine Flu is causing chaos.
  • Brett Favre is annoying. I'm sorry, but it's true. Brett if you wanna come back and tarnish your legacy worse than you did at the end of last year, fine. It's your legacy. I'm just tired of you treating us like we're the chick you keep dumping. Don't retire for the third time and say it's forever because we all know it isn't. At the very least we know your gonna go Cher on us and flirt with teams like you are right now in Minnesota. You said that you could not compete consistently at that high level anymore and we know...we saw it with our own two-eyes. Bag it Brett.

  • Paul Daugherty and Alan Cutler were given their walking papers from ClearChannel in Cincinnati last week. Where mostly local radio sports guys borderline ridiculous, everyone seemed to like "Doc." That included me. And no one-including me-liked Cutler. It's just like the ESPN Radio commercials are trying to tell you. In this business, locally, it's about who's louder and more obnoxious. Who stirs it up and provokes more reaction and controversy. It's not about quality of content. I hated that as a host in Lexington and why my first priority in this profession is calling it straight as a pxp announcer. Doc may have been cynical, but if you're not you're labeled a kiss-ass. He told it like it was and will be missed. Cutler on the other hand is the epitome of what I hate in my profession. Remember the Gillispie chase? If not click on his name. I have had personal encounters with this a-hole way too many times and I personally found him on the radio more annoying than that laughing judge on "So you think you can dance" and Favre combined. He claims to be a columnist with a mic. You're not "Pally," you're a loud-mouthed idiot with now, again, no microphone.

  • News is just now breaking that Manny Ramirez has tested positive for performance- enhancing drugs. I am in no way surprised, and won't be unless someone like Albert Pujols or Derek Jeter tests positive. Apparently it came from a scrip he got in Florida and he didn't know, which is possible I guess. How could we ever really know. Remember Palmeiro and Clemens? What to watch for: Manny to go Sammy Sosa on us and forget how to speak English.

  • Speaking of Pujols, I am terrified of him. Every time a pitcher throws a pitch anywhere in the vicinity of the strike-zone he unleashes hell on the baseball. I have been on this Earth for 30-years, and I have never seen a better baseball player. He does everything right.

  • Jackson Watch: It's been no secret my man-crush on Scott County point guard Chad Jackson. The senior-to-be under Billy Hicks-who seems to be staying put in Georgetown btw-is gaining some new interest from big-time schools. Already been offered rides at Xavier and West Virginia, Chad has lately been talking with Kansas, Florida, Indiana, Stanford and Butler. I would be incredibly surprised if Cal doesn't come knocking soon. His PG's seem to dip after a year and Chad is a 4-year player. Stay tuned...

  • With Eric Bledsoe, the third-best PG in the '09 class according to rivals.com coming to UK, the 'Cats are looking at probably the #1 class overall now. That's with or without Wall. I expect Wall to go to Chapel Hill now that Bledsoe is coming to Lexington. I bet it was close, but UNC is ready to lift another banner and Lawson is gone. Sounds like a fit to me.

  • I checked out Harper's Island on CBS for the first time yesterday. I promised a great friend I would because it's his studio. Wasn't terribly interested but my boy listens to me on the radio in LA, can't beat that loyalty. I thought the show was a bit too much like a soap opera with some weak acting, but overall entertaining. I will continue to watch just to see Trish Ellington, played by Katie Cassidy. Mad hottness.

  • Got a bet with my X. I have Danny Gokey-she has Adam Lambert. Now that they're in the Final 3, their stories are going to be driven home like they're Brett Favre. Danny's is better with the death of his wife just prior to this season. Lambert has mad crazy pipes, but I think some will hate him as well as love him. Tough pick. If Adam becomes the first gay-idol, I have to join the Kenny Chesney fan club, thus helping me relate with Lambert, and those ridiculous ads they make for the show. They are awful. If Danny wins this Venezuelan crazy-man goes up on her mirror while she cuts hair for the remainder of 2009. Who ya got?
  • My state showed it greatness once again last Saturday in the run for the roses. Well done to all who was there and made it special. Once again I have to say Tom Hammond is maybe the most underrated sportscaster out there. The NFL Network made a mistake by not snagging him. I am also currently in the market for a horse. Looking in the $8000-$1200 range. Nolds-where ya at!

01 April 2009

'Cats "Savior" Arrives Late...But Arrives Nonetheless

Two years ago, the 'Big Blue Nation' felt they had options. Much maligned Tubby Smith "left" after ten seasons at the helm of college basketballs most prestigious program. And as it turned out, some of the prestige may had left with him.
Yet no one knew at the time.

Lexington was buzzing with opinions of big-name coaches that had to be chomping at the bit to replace Tubby and lead the Wildcats as "caretaker" of the program.

For a week, the only name on talk-radio was Billy Donovan, former assistant under Rick Pitino and coach of defending national champion Florida Gators, who just so happened to be getting ready for the Final Four that weekend. Billy's Gators would win their 2nd consecutive title that weekend, thus making Donovan a hot commodity.

Billy would then decide to take over the Orlando Magic, only to decide a couple of minutes later to renege on the agreement and return to Florida as college basketball's highest paid coach. You've seen the picture (thanks Coup)

Oh and in that process, he rejected Kentucky's more handsome offer, and leaving the bluegrass in contempt and a little despair. Jay Wright of Villanova, Ted Barnes of Texas were also high on the list, only to follow suit with Billy D and refuse Mitch Barnhart. The Kentucky Wildcats had lost it's appeal as college coaching's top position.

At this point, the mere mention of the name John Calipari would invoke grotesque expressions on Wildcats fan's faces before an answer was even given.

The answer usually..."he's dirty." From there Billy Gillispie was hired out of Texas A&M in a quick 24-hour swoon, preceding a two-year bad marriage in which Billy's inability to handle the job and it's range of duties resulted in his dismissal.

Now two years later, the commonwealth is on it's ear; utterly elated with the new hire. This time however, they are right to feel that way.

UK fans were not alone in how they felt about coach Cal. Many fans and sports writers have expressed in many forums their belief that Calipari was "dirty."

There certainly are questions.

The most immediate and glaring concern is his relationship with William "Worldwide Wes" Wesley, the promoter-broker-street agent. The always controversial Wesley will all but likely frequent Lexington, thus raising eyebrows on his relationships with recruits of the program.

  • Players in the past who have had brushes with the law e.g. Andre Allen, Sean Banks and Kareem Cooper. This could happen to any coach, and did in Lexington under Tubby Smith, but seem to be a little more frequent with Cal's recruits.

  • There are inquiries about how some former players have received their degrees, particularly those who went the prep school route.

    I'll do Whitlock one better, coach Cal has zero NCAA sanctions against him. Rick Pitino, Lord of college basketball in the Bluegrass despite going to hated in-state rival Louisville, has at my count seven.

    The point is that although the perception of the program within it's fan base may have moved towards less relevance and lower prestige under Tubby Smith and Billy Gillispie, their desperation has been rescued by a great hire. The best hire. The only hire. A man who can, and probably will, bring Kentucky back to the elite. Andy Katz may have wrote that UK is "too valuable a program, not only to the Commonwealth but to the sport, to be dismissed," but make no mistake about it, Kentucky has not been to a Final Four in over ten years.

    In Lexington, that is what's relevant. And now they have a man who has brought the top recruits into his programs, and won with them. He sells them on the style of play, a style now coming to Rupp Arena.

    Calipari has done it at UMASS; he has done it at Memphis. Now imagine what he can do with college basketball's winningest program.

31 March 2009

A Giant Glass of Haterade


On the eve of what looks like the signing of John Calipari as head coach of Kentucky-last report from John Clay has Cal on the way to the airport to meet a UK charted to plane and Memphis beat writer Dan Wolken reporting it's done- some in the national media continue to paint the program as an elitist "club."

Point in case: Michael Wilbon of PTI.

For years Wilbon has accused the program of pushing out coaches and their fan base of unrealistic expectations.

I addressed his comments about the fans two years ago, and then on Saturday's post.

I'll address the comments of pushing out coaches, which Wilbon spoke of now.
A recent history lesson of top-tier programs pushing coaches out:

UCLA-Steve Lavin (could argue Jim Harrick)
UNC-Matt Doherty
Louisville-Denny Crum

just to name a few, could go farther back and name lesser programs but why?

I'll be honest, Wilbon is a Chicago guy-which I obviously love- and usually agreeable but he has this disdain for UK that is unmeasurable. He makes Billy Packer look like Cameron Mills. Kornheiser couldn't believe it. I can't either.

One more thing on Gillispie:

As God as my witness I hope this does not become reality. There are things about Billy Gillispie that we don't know and I hope we never do. However this is a divorce; and we all know divorces get messy. I hope we don't have a tabloid-type media circus that assassinates the character of Billy Clyde. I find it morally wrong and unnecessary. The only purpose to even bring it up is the slim hope that this serves as a warning. People around this program are going to feel the worse Gillispie looks or is perceived, the better UK looks by getting rid of him.

Stay tuned

28 March 2009

What Went Wrong; What's Next

It started with this.

The dismissal of Billy Gillisipe at Kentucky had nothing to do with wins and losses. His coaching was a question, but not the answer. Was the Big Blue Nation incensed with the fact that for the first time in a long time their Wildcats wouldn't dance in the NCAA? Absolutely. It was a very frustrated fan base. A friend commented to me "Tubby had us in a steady decline, Billy just drove us over the cliff."

All things considered, objective fans of the most prestigious program in college basketball believed for the most part, the overall record was not enough to fire him...yet. I think Atheltic Director Mitch Barnhart, and the Emperor on his left, would agree with that.

Look at him...maybe he'll get Lexington a Sith Lord.

The problem was very simple. Billy was fired because he is an asshole.

Sorry to be so blunt but that is the beginning and end of this story. He was constantly condescending to everyone around him, in particular the media and is what caused his early departure.

Two years is not enough to accurately access how a coach is succeeding or failing with his basketball team in the college ranks. However this isn't just any basketball job. This is the University of Kentucky and as Mitch said, it is bigger than any coach, player or administrator. They are just the caregivers. The coach at Kentucky is more recognizable than the Governor, and when he says that being an ambassador or public relations director for the program isn't in his job description, he might as well had written his obituary.

If he had not acted they way he acted to Jeanine Edwards, Tom Leach, Dana O'Neil, or anyone who dared ask him questions about his coaching or his team, none of this would've happened.


Some in the area are comparing the Big Blue to the Golden Domers in football. Not quite yet, although we are looking more and more like the hot chick in high school who threw on 30 her freshman year at community college. She could still lose the weight, Notre Dame just sucks.

As of know, John Calipari has said he isn't interested. Two years ago 'Nova's Jay Wright (my fav)Tom Barnes of Texas, Rick Pitino and Billy Donovan, following back-to-back National Championships at Florida, all declined. No word as of today if Rick, Annakin Skywalker, Jesus, Bobby Knight or Lou Piniella have refused the almighty program as well. (Can you imagine The General in a blue sweater? Oooh I just got chills)

The specualtion for the replacement yesterday was again Billy D, the former assistant at UK under Rick Pitino. FOX SPORTS Orlando reported Donovan was leaving Florida to take the Kentucky job. Donovan quickly stated that he is committed to Florida and had no interest in taking the Kentucky job.

Thanks to my good friend Frank Cupolo, who responded with this via email on Billy's statement:

'Nuff said.

Pat Forde was quoted as saying he would bet his salary the next coach is going to be Oklahoma State's Travis Ford, former UK point guard. The other name's being circulated are again Barnes, Wright and Calipari as well. However don't trust a word you hear from anyone until someone is standing at a podium at Memorial Coliseum. It is so crazy out there with fans on this topic that any and every rumor are almost considered journalistic, which they are definitely not.

I would take that bet with Pat. He is a Kentucky guy, Louisville to be exact, and is incredibly credible on this subject and others. The reason why I disagree is that Travis Ford has a reputation in Lexington of being exactly what I said Billy G was fired for being. And I don't think Mitch and Darth Sidious want to trade one jerk for another. But...I could be wrong.

My money remains on Calipari, despite his remarks yesterday. Could he win a title in Memphis, absolutely. But then what? He just won 31 games, lost just 3 prior to the NCAA and still got a
2-seed. How much better can he really do with a team in Conference USA? How many Tiger games were on national television? These guys have big ego's and although he has little pressure in Tennessee and is King at the moment, his pride of being the best at a higher profile program could bring him to the bluegrass.


Is bad.
And understandable. On the outside they're looked at as crazy and ridiculous. This time two years ago I went on The Dan Patrick Show on ESPN Radio a couple hours following Michael Wilbon of The Washington Post and ESPN's Pardon The Interruption.
His comments were harsh on UK and their fans, and his opinion was of the majority. My rebuttal stays the same and always will as someone who has lived in the area all his life, gone to school at UK and has served as a member of the media in Cincinnati and central Kentucky for more than ten years:
The expectations in Lexington are no bigger than they are in Durham, Chapel Hill, East Lansing, Lawrence or Los Angeles. The Big Blue Nation does not expect to win a championship every year as these national media analysts would have you believe. The expect to compete and play well in the NCAA Tournament and make a Final Four atleast once every ten years, as they have been accustomed to for over fifty years. That is not too much to expect and whoever is next will be expected to do that.
If he does not, he will be gone, Mitch will be gone, and maybe so will the prestige of this fine program.

26 March 2009

Don Corleone

Is anyone with me on this?
While watching Obama on t.v. the other night, again, I couldn't help but notice Rahm in the back in this pose. He looked like Michael Corleone in III, peering onto the landscape as if one of the press corps was gonna take out Cardinal Lamberto.
Easy there bulldog, David Axelrod is no Tom Higgins, but atleast he'll make sure you'll keep your bonus.
I literally thought Major Garrett was gonna get up and accuse him of taking over Immobiliare.

24 March 2009

Scott County Wrap-Up

Through my first year of covering Scott County boys basketball, I found one thing to stand-out above anything else; they are every bit as hated as my alma mater, Highlands.

The one thing about my job is that I obviously get to know people inside the program instead of being an onlooker from the outside. That is usually where the haters preside. And programs that have success, like the Cardinals or beloved Bluebirds, are usually the ones that people dislike the most.

So I thought I would give you my impressions of, in my 29 years on this Earth, the best high school basketball team I have ever seen.

Head coach Billy Hicks

An absolute gentlemen. A very soft-spoken, unassuming man who at no point refused access. I have been covering high school sports for a while now and most coaches treat their team like classified FBI files. Not the case here. While others in his profession feel they are involved in espionage, Billy was a class act all year and is easy to see why he has the respect of every coach and media person in the state. In an "oh sh*t" moment I had, Billy accidentally slipped the s-word in our post-game talk when describing Chad Jackson's dunk on Madison Central's Keshawn Simpson. I acted like nothing happened, hope the FCC wasn't tuning in.

Junior Forward Dakotah Euton

The big story coming into the year. Being a commit to the holiest of holies in the state, the Kentucky Wildcats, Dakotah stepped onto a huge stage after transferring from Rose Hill. No question the vocal leader of the Cards on and off the floor. A good kid, well-spoken and doesn't let pressure get to him. As a player, I'd have to say average athleticism and a hard worker. Hardest working player on the floor. He's a European-type big man who doesn't play under the basket offensively. Great outside shooter and fair ball-handler. He needs to be more polished to get time on the floor at Rupp. He's got a steep hill to climb.

Junior Guard Ge-Lawn Guyn

Another transfer from a year earlier. A ferocious competitor. Towards the end of the year his physical style became a story and officials kept a close eye on him. When he gets the ball on a rebound, he takes his swings. Likes to use his strength and quickness, and he will take you out if you press him after a rebound, ask Madison Southern. Ge-lawn's rap was one of a difficult kid with an attitude problem. His style of play doesn't do him any favors in the popularity category but in the few moments I spent with him, he seemed to be a great kid and misunderstood. As congenial as anyone else. He stepped up big-time in the regional championship with Richie out. His last shot was scrutinized but he was the reason they were in a position to win. He also added maybe the best defensive play of the year by fouling Lex Cath with 1 to give with 9 seconds left. Not sure if he's gonna take the free-ride to Western Kentucky, but if he does, the Hilltoppers got a steal. A great scorer and defender. Chris Lofton anybody?

Freshmen Tamron Manning and Isiah Ivey

Probably the best frosh duo in Kentucky. Many thought coming into this year they would be and Manning certainly showed he's up to the challenge. Billy called him the toughest player on the team. High marks for a tough group. Isiah was hampered with a broken finger on his shooting hand that kept him out virtually the entire first half of the season but played huge in the regional tournament. He gave huge minutes in the win over Lafayette following Richie's injury. These two are outstanding and will be big keys next year with no big presence down low.

Senior Center Richie Phares

The story coming into this year for SC was the transfers of Chad Jackson and UK commit Dakotah Euton from Rose Hill Academy. What it should've been is "will Richie win Mr. Basketball?" I talked with Georgetown College head coach, as I frequently do, after the season opener against Ballard and said with all the talk of the transfers "Richie is probably the best player on the team."

He replied "there's no doubt he is."

Of the "super team" that came together this year, Richie was one of the two players that the team could ill afford to lose. And tragically they did, as Richie blew out his knee in the regional semi-final win over Lafayette. To all of us on 'press row,' we thought he hyper-extended it. It didn't look very bad on the outset, but stranger things have happened. Throughout the year I joked that Soapy Joe's Carwash "player-of-the-game" segment in the post-game show was Richie's bi-weekly segment. The kid is a class act coming from a class family and will never need a ring to authenticate being a champion. He personifies it. Best of luck in Louisville Richie

Junior point guard Chad Jackson

Again with Happy, "I think if he develops a little better jump shot, he's the best PG in the state."

Reply from Hap: "He's the best now. That jump shot is better than you think."

Promptly and appropriately, Chad nailed a couple of three's in the first quarter that night in the regional final loss to Lexington Catholic.

From friends who have asked about this team all year and who I would want to don the blue and white, my answer has never wavered. Chad Jackson. Incredibly explosive and shot is getting better. Terrific defender at 6'4'' to boot. As above mentioned, the play of the year was from the right wing just in front of the SC bench in the high school gym in Georgetown. I heard his teammates had been on his case about dunking off the dribble, because he had only dunked on alley-oops. He must have taken it to heart because he crossed over all-state fullback and WKU football commit Keshawn Simpson of Madison Central, Simpson falls straight backwards on his rump and CJ takes two dribbles on the baseline and tomahawked it like MJ. I thought the roof was gonna start falling like the Georgia Dome during the SEC Tourney last year. A pro move. The only player I feel is a legit pro prospect.

Chad we would love you in Lexington.

  • Although most would feel that Gary Ball, Leland Conway and I are rivals, nothing could be further from the truth. We all get along great. Gary and I in particular help each other in any way we can, and although I wish I was the only one there covering these events, I enjoy seeing both of them at each venue.

  • High School basketball coaches need to get over themselves for the most part. Excluding Billy and a few others, this is not a top-secret operation. Your stats will not influence the outcome of any game you play. Quit being ridiculous.

  • Congratulations to Holmes. Dave Henley did a great job this year and they are deserved champs. Unfortunately for the Bulldogs, this year will be remembered all over the state as they year SC had the best team and their star center went down as well as a team from a school with just a 312-person enrollment being a top team in the state.

16 March 2009

News Analysis

Over the span of seven days, I looked at the front page of the New York Times to track what demographic makes the news. All of this according to the editors of the Times of course.

The results were typical.

Tensions in the mid-east and power struggles in foreign gonvernments dominated headlines with domestic economic issues. And no matter which stories you looked at, one name would keep coming up: Obama.

That should come at no surprise considering he is the key player in what will be our government's involvement, if any, in all of those situations. In the seven-day period, the President's name came up near 100 times and made close to 85% of the stories. As expected, if the newspaper considered to be the pulse of the nation is to be just that, it's leader will mentioned quite a bit.

When it came to economic pieces, outside of Obama, the most sourced people were white males. Again, not a surprise. CEO's, Bernie Madoff, and economic "experts" and advisors made the list. The only time an ethnic group outside of white males were mentioned in the economy pieces were Maxine Waters, Representative from California and her husband who may be implicated in some wrong doing.

Women were mentioned in features as well as hard news. Hillary Rodham Clinton was at the top in that field of course. Arab's were well represented as well. The least sourced through this particular week was hispanics. Virtually nothing was mentioned involving them and exactly zero mentions of local hispanic citizens in major stories on the front page.

25 February 2009

Georgetown Beatdown

Cards beat Sayre by 70, 111-41 Monday.

The team resembles more of a freight train rather than a basketball team