19 May 2009

Wall to Kentucky-Kentucky to #1; TV Finales

With late last night's news of the John Wall commitment to the University of Kentucky, John Calipari's assertion that the road leading the Wildcats back to prominence would be a 3-year journey, lasted 48-days. And with 15-scholarships to deal with, let the tryouts begin!

With 3 top-15 recruits (Wall, DeMarcus Cousins and Daniel Orton), the return of Patrick Patterson and likely return of Jodie Meeks with a solid supporting cast with Darius Miller and incoming frosh Jon Hood, Darnell Dodson and Eric Bledsoe, the 'Cats have been moved into the top spot according to FOXSports.com and likely in the top-3 according to everyone else.

And to the "always objective"UK fans in the Bluegrass-they have anointed the Big Blue as God's team, worthy of competing not just in the NCAA ranks, but Internationally and in the NBA All-Star Game. Talk on the message boards already has them not just running the table in the SEC, but overrall. A little presumptious considering the bulk of the group just attended prom.

Why? It's hard not to go along with their excitement, especially when you consider the element holding back the Wildcats a year ago was the point guard position and you see this.


Imagine being Leland Conway or Dick Gabriel taking calls after UK slips up to an in-state program like Morehead State or Georgetown College (one can hope). Chances are incredibly unlikely, however with the majority of role players being very young and inexperienced, growing pains will occur and the Big Blue Nation has a hard time in understanding when they do. Although the 'Cats will be among the most talented in the country, my gut tells me Coach Cal will throw a bone to small colleges within the state to play and earn big money at Rupp, and the state of Kentucky has basketball programs that compete for national championships at every level. It could be tough early. Just a bit of forsight.

Outside the Commonwealth, it may be tough from the onset. Early matchups against tough opponents with kids that aren't used to playing with each other could prove difficult, but good tests for a young group that hopes to grow together and be a team that will be a major force in March.

Make no mistake about it-anything less than a Final Four appearance this season will now be a disappointment. No matter what. The Big Blue is back and it only took 2-months. Now the pressure of producing lays solely on these kids and their coach.

You know it...I know it...the country knows it.
See you at Midnight Madness.



If I'm Seth Myers, this Saturday's Weekend Update on SNL would feature a 24: Really?

What the f was that? First a team of 12 militants overtake the White House by entering a tunnel from the Potomac. (ridiculous on so many levels, I want you to read that last sentence 5 times)

Then guns fired in the airport terminal at LAX in the finale, with the ultimate silver screen damsel in distress, mega-hottie and hockey player doorknob Kim Bauer. Again. Really.

If you're a fan of the show, you give it some artistic license to go outside the realm of possibility, but this year it was a bit much. This was worse than Tony getting shot in the neck in season/day 3, then going back to work six hours later. When the Secret Service agreed to leave the White House perimeter I almost changed the channel for good.

I still might. Really.

24 just didn't do what most shows are able to, give closure. It opened too many story lines and didn't give themselves enough time to see them through. We know that Jack won't die, but only because he signed a deal to star in next season 3-days after being exposed to the pathogin that would supposedly kill him. Apparently he's afflicted with the condition-equivalent of Magic Johnson's AIDS. Really.
Does this Alan Wilson (?), who has been apparently at the epicenter of 4-season's worth of plot's to kill main characters, talk or receive a moving water-boarding session from the sultry-yet-fiery redhead Renee Walker? What happens with Olivia Taylor and the President? What about the Line Whisperer Tony Almeida? Why in the name of all that is holy am I asking all of these damn questions?! So they can be answered next season? Awesome. Really awesome.


LOST, hands down the best this year. The most ADD show in the history of television really redeemed itself in the last month. Bringing out Jakob then killing him? Locke back from the dead? Did not see that coming. Next year is gonna kick ass. A

Celebrity Apprentice was a close second. Joan Rivers vs Annie Duke was nothing short of fantastic. Not to mention the "Welcome to me" opening with the Donald hailed as NYC's biggest attraction. God I love him. The ending was abrupt (and apparently undecided until the last commercial break) but nice one if you were like me and rooting for Joan. I still want to know what was up with the hug between the two at the very end after the back-and-forth character assassination. WTF? A-

Heroes, I have no idea what you are about. I watched the whole fucking season and have no clue what happened. You have lost pretty much everyone that loved you from the beginning, so I'm getting off the Titanic too. Peace.F

I find out tomorrow if I have to join Kenny Chesney's Fan Club after Danny Gokey got his pink slip from Idol last week. My only hope left is the underdog Kris to shock favorite Adam Lambert. I don't think I've ever heard anyone with as much vocal ability as Lambert, but that doesn't mean I like it. Sometimes it's frightening. I did like the addition of Kara this year, primarily because she is sensationally sexy, but if they do lose Simon they will also lose a major chunk of their audience. A
Kings. I have no idea why this gets bad ratings. Is it because Ian McShane is crazy intense all the time? Maybe, but it returns soon and I'm only one of the two people who I know watch it and look forward to it coming back. Check it out and tell me what you think. B

24-c+ Step it up Kiefer.

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