31 March 2009

A Giant Glass of Haterade


On the eve of what looks like the signing of John Calipari as head coach of Kentucky-last report from John Clay has Cal on the way to the airport to meet a UK charted to plane and Memphis beat writer Dan Wolken reporting it's done- some in the national media continue to paint the program as an elitist "club."

Point in case: Michael Wilbon of PTI.

For years Wilbon has accused the program of pushing out coaches and their fan base of unrealistic expectations.

I addressed his comments about the fans two years ago, and then on Saturday's post.

I'll address the comments of pushing out coaches, which Wilbon spoke of now.
A recent history lesson of top-tier programs pushing coaches out:

UCLA-Steve Lavin (could argue Jim Harrick)
UNC-Matt Doherty
Louisville-Denny Crum

just to name a few, could go farther back and name lesser programs but why?

I'll be honest, Wilbon is a Chicago guy-which I obviously love- and usually agreeable but he has this disdain for UK that is unmeasurable. He makes Billy Packer look like Cameron Mills. Kornheiser couldn't believe it. I can't either.

One more thing on Gillispie:

As God as my witness I hope this does not become reality. There are things about Billy Gillispie that we don't know and I hope we never do. However this is a divorce; and we all know divorces get messy. I hope we don't have a tabloid-type media circus that assassinates the character of Billy Clyde. I find it morally wrong and unnecessary. The only purpose to even bring it up is the slim hope that this serves as a warning. People around this program are going to feel the worse Gillispie looks or is perceived, the better UK looks by getting rid of him.

Stay tuned

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